
Interview of the WEDO founders by the Swiss Leaders Association

Mathilde SudanMathilde Sudan |

In its magazine Leader, the Swiss Managers Association (ASC) gives the floor to Antoine Sudan and David Dutch, the two engineers behind WEDO, the platform that allows companies to collaborate with ease. We are pleased to share their story in the June 2021 edition of the magazine.

The motivation

We were victims of acute "meetingitis" in our previous jobs: we were participating in too many unproductive and time-consuming meetings.

The conviction

Well-prepared and efficient meetings ensure time management and improve coordination and communication within the company. The benefits are felt by both managers and participants.

The goal

To enable company employees to spend less time in meetings, while facilitating collaboration and task tracking.

The future

Every day, the WEDO team is working hard to improve the platform and enable more and more organizations to have productive meetings and collaborate efficiently.

The product

WEDO is a highly secure Swiss collaborative platform for meeting management and task tracking. Our tool allows our clients to spend less time in meetings, while ensuring operational follow-up from one meeting to the next.

Antoine Sudan et David Dutch, WEDO founders.

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