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Sebastien Bouvier reviews WEDO
In this video, Sébastien Bouvier, a recognised specialist in productivity tools, introduces you to WEDO, an innovative platform for collaborative project management.
Héléna Galera
How can you save time in your HR procedures?
Automating HR procedures is emerging as a key solution for saving time, reducing errors, and improving the employee experience. In this article, we take a look at the recruitment process.
Antoine Sudan
Follow-up on post-meeting actions
In the professional environment, meetings play a key role in planning and decision-making. However, the follow-up of post-meeting actions represents a major obstacle for many people. Faced with this challenge, this article proposes concrete strategies for improving the effectiveness of follow-up.
Gilles Pittet
Use cases
Making daily life easier for executive assistants
In the fast-paced world of administrative management, executive assistants play a crucial role. The Swiss army knives of any organization juggle many tasks and deadlines while supervising those of others
Commune of Saxon: a digital revolution in municipal administration
Public administration productivity and digitization have become key issues in the ever-changing landscape of municipal administration. Faced with this revolution, efficient task management, streamlined processes, and practical information management are significant challenges.
Luca Carrone
Digital transformation of public administrations
In the context of digitalization, it is essential to improve the efficiency of administrative tasks within municipalities and public administration to ensure better delivery of public services.
Interview with André Oldani on the digitisation of SBF
André Oldani, member of the national board and financial officer of the association, explains to us how WEDO has acted as a catalyst for SBF's digital transformation.
Organize your Board of Directors with WEDO
Efficiently organize & conduct board meetings w/ WEDO - a secure, digital meeting management tool. Enhance communication & follow-up with our 7-step collaborative platform.
Mathilde Sudan
PME MAGAZINE | Digitalising for the benefit of people
Digitizing, yes, but with the aim of raising the human element. David Dutch and Antoine Sudan, creators of the WEDO software, have always wanted to put the human element at the heart of the digitalization process of a company.